Sunday, August 31, 2008
Chrono Trigger gets Funky
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Game Night Tonight
Watch live video from elephnat. channel on
Friday, August 29, 2008
Free Red Alert on Sunday

Looks like EA is going insane with promos. First they started giving away free gas today in promotion for the upcoming Mercenaries 2, which looks to be AWEsome! Now they're giving away one of the classic pieces of RTS gaming history of my childhood, CnC Red Alert on Sunday. This game had it all, attack dogs, electrocuting people, running em over with tanks, Tanya, dial-up multiplayer battles, Albert Einstein AND Hitler.
You need to visit on Sunday, starting from 12:00AM, there will be a link to a free download of Red Alert awaiting you!
Spark Others

I'm not sure what this is about or who's it for but I think it's about making money and stuff. One of my old friends who visits the blog asked if I could help spread his new site, so here is the link. Apparantly, it's locked out until 9-1-08 so be sure to check back soon to find out what it is!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Davids Brain Child

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Chuck Norris: Bring on the Pain
Worst view in the world...
So I drop Jason off this morning and I'm on my way back home from the 2-mile trip. Of course since this is Palmdale, there's tons of cops about the place, I must have passed the usual 3 or 4 squad cars on my way to R. Rex. Anyways, on my way back I notice the local sherrif trailing a car in the lane next to me and he must have scared the other driver real bad cause he was doin like 20 in a 45 mph zone. Sooo of course the cop slides over into my lane and starts trailing me for a good half mile. I reach a stoplight and hes right on my ass, you know how cops do before they flash the lights. I already know bad mojo was gonna happen, but what can I do? I made the right and he speeds up, turns his lights on to try and blind me, then sounds his whoop whoop. SHIT! What did I do this time? I pulled over into a parking lot like a smart driver instead of blocking the one out of two lanes like I see other drivers do when they get pulled over by PHS. Anyway he does the macho walk thing and I roll down my window and he proceeds to ask me if I have any warrants out for my arrest or something like that. I said no, just traffic tickets but I paid for them already (over like $800 combined.........................................) and he asks for my Driver license. I dont know what it is about cops but they make me fooking nervous as hell, I think it's cause they carry a live fire arm and those shades or something, but I almost handed him my Visa and thought oh SHIT I dont want to make him think Im giving him a bribe or something. I tucked my Visa back in and pulled out my License. He takes it, doesn't even look at it and says my registration expired last month and I need to renew it, then he hands me back my license, gets back in his car and leaves.
*SIIIIIIGH of RELIEF* Well not really, gotta take care of that registration problem. But any day where you get pulled over and get away with just a warning is a good day in my books.
Costco seven five
I can't sleep because I'm addicted to The Sims2. Help me! I can't tear myself away from my Sim life, well not really mine. Ok let me tell you the story!
Ok my sim's name is Bill Libb, he's the mayor of SimCity. He owns a pretty big house with his newly wed wife Cleo Libb and newborn baby Karen Libb. They are a happy family, and rich! Ok I need to get some rest, need to go to school and Hollywood tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
♪ I don't know how 'bout you ♪
Google Maps Adds Palmdale
Monday, August 25, 2008
HTC goes on a diet

The codenamed HTC Dream is the phone the gods have been asking for. Im not gonna go into detail but scroll on down and click next page and read RJ's post on it. The reason im here is to let you know that the Dream is SMALLER than the iPhone. Boast the same size screen, but it has all that unsightly fat trimmed on all its sides. Plus its running Android! What else more can you ask for besides Google selling you your soul back. It might not have the hype of the iPhone but hey, im not complaining.
Elefun The elephnat.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Breakfast Burger
Friday, August 22, 2008
Bored in 5th period
Duke Nukem 3D Hitting XBLA
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Got beef with Too Human?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
HTC Dream is becoming a reality...

1. Officialy backed/supported by Google - Google made the OS on this phone. Google. The guys who brought you sattelite imagery for your maps. The guys who kicked Yahoo/MSN/AOL in the face with their crappy 2MB limit on email and offered you GIGS of storage. The guys who brought the office suite off your desktop, and let you access it online. The guys who bought out Youtube. The guys who practically invented the search engine all over again! Goog EL.

2. Business Practice - Free. Easy to Use. Intuitive. Support. Open Source. Up-to-date.

3. Street View on your freaking phone! Lost? Hell no son!

4. 3D Graphics Chipset that brings you games like Quake.

5. Customizable OS.

6. Expecting tons of Apps.

7. Full HTML Browser.

8. 3G technology.

9. Touch-screen.

10. Steve Jobs didn't touch it.
Anyway, word on the street is that this phone is coming out either in October or November of this year under T-Mobile.
PSP 3000


oh yeah, check this story out too.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
elephnat. proudly presents...
PS - You can find all of our future netcasts archived on the right, under the netcast section!
My new tatts
New 120GB Zune in the Works
Sunday, August 17, 2008
elephnat at Sonia's 17 Birthday party

Yeah, the party was off the hook. She had a JUMPER, food, pinatas, and mexican friends. Ok lets kick it, the party was ALIVE! It was da bomb, elephnat and friends had a blast. elephnat soon wishes to go to another birthday party. Yeah dawg. I'm too tired and I'll probably edit this later, I got skoolz so peace.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Godfather II lets you play as Don
I played a little bit of the first Godfather but I just wasn't too interested with it (Jason beat the game but hes a huge Godfather movie fan). It felt a little arcady and it wasn't at all like Mafia (great game!) Apparantly, you'll gain control of the New York area as the head Don running under Michael Carleone syndicate (I guess they had to bump him higher than the don since you'll be playing as one, unless I missed that he was some great syndicate leader in the movies). You'll run the show for extortion, racketeering, looting, and other general mafia business with some henchmen under your name. First thing Im gonna do is load up a car full of my goombas (no offense) and roll down the windows on some other mafia dudes with some drum mag Thompsons ala Dick Tracy style bitches (or businessmen strolling down the wrong hood). Anyways, it's being published by EA so expect it to come out before Christmas, good or bad, I'm getting my hands on it.
TR2N. Yes thats TRON 2
Friday, August 15, 2008
First REAL day at RPHS

Today I got my schedule for my classes, and once in a blue moon it was a flex day so school ended at 10:00 AM. The class is a little wierd, 3 classes a day with a total of 5 classes. I missed my first, or 3rd, period and had to go to my 4th. I was introduced by the sub that will be there for a month. He's one of those subs that just don't know how to go with the flow, so after that intro I started my work until some kid in the back keeps shouting my name "JASON!". I turn around and he hides from me behind some other kid, wtf? He does this through the whole dame period. After the bell rings I see that it was a kid that I knew from PHS that is just a class clown and means no harm, damn white boy. Next was break, not lunch because it only lasts 10 mins. After that I went to my last period and had to get my RPHS ID and a school AR book.
When school ended I called my bro to see when he had his lunch break so he could pick me up, he told me that he had it at 12:00 PM and I got out at 10:00 AM. No way, so instead I just walked the 2 miles home which took 2 hours, drenched in sweat. On the way home I ran into a student from PHS and it looked like he meant business until he saw my ID then said "Oh you go to R. Rex Parris.. You got a dollar?". It made me feel like a badass, so that's my first day.
Midgets and the Junk Monster
The Trend Grows
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Jason has a mexican food fetish?

All I've been reviewing is mexican food! Well here's another, the almighty taco served with chips and salsa! I ate at an acient taco place that was here since I first moved here with my family which was 17 years ago, the Taco-In. Not a well known place, just a family ran business which over-prices the menu just to stay in business. I officially claimed this place as my restaurant to eat right after I get out of school that is down the street. Their tacos are ¢69 and their small drink is the same price aswell I think. Today I bought two tacos and a small drink, the total added up to $3.89 or something close to that number. They come with chips and homemade salsa, which was an upset because they weren't as tasty as the ones in Chipotle, but hey they are free.
- The chips had barely a noticeable taste and the salsa didn't have that spicy flavor once you put it in your mouth, but if you take in a great amount later the kick will come in and you'll be begging for water.
- The tacos were another story, they come with slices of lime, really hot chili sauce, and slices of radishes which I didn't touch. The beef tacos with lime and chili are amazing! They tasted wonderful, even though they were small they had the taste of a bigger taco. After I ate them I was full and couldn't ask for more.
My rating would be high but the chips and salsa ruined it because they are as important just like fries to burgers.
- I rate 3 Jason heads out of 5.
Pawn Shop Blues
Im low on in i have no money at all. Today i went with Jason and Michael to our local pawn shoppe. We walk with Michael's snowboard and ended up getting $15 bucks for it. What a buzzkill. So i start talking to the guy to find out what i could pawn for some quick cash. I come to find out that the item has to be pretty new in the world today. So that means no fat monitors or VHS tapes. So now i have to go thru some DVDs and even my 360 and Wii games. Not an easy task for a movie buff/gamer. So now begins my mission on looking for things i can sell for cashola. Its probably gonna be things that dont belong to me. Like this Dell printer i have in my room, maybe some of my mom and dads DVDs....IDK this is going to be tough. Wish me luck on my quest to get at least $30. i are outz
3rd Period Boredness

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Celebrities At PHS

Senora something or other Burger review

All in all this was a below average meal. It left me hungry for more....but not from that place. Maybe i'll try the mexican food next time....I give it 2 Anthony heads out of 5

Burger - The burger was a generous size, like a 6.00 burger, cause it is one. It had a regular sized grilled patty, couple pieces of not so crisp and fatty bacon, some jalapenos and some buffalo wing sauce that wasnt spicy at all, oh and some lettuce. The burger had a good combination going and it definitely packed some meat but I was disappointed because I was excpecting some serious heat (I love spicy foods). Overall its a good burger.
Fries - omg the fries were pretty nasty. They tasted like airrated fish stick batter, just the batter. No potato. I kno they were going for the man thats a crispy fry right there but the end result is like eating a chip. Nothing could save these fries.
Overall i give them a 3/5 hoochie mamas cuz fries are just as important as the burger mang.

Everyone's telling me that I should be attending PHS because they hear my name being called in their class role call. It's been an extension of 3 days for my summer break, or not really. For the past 2 days and today I've been in and out of RPHS. I'm still trying to finish my registration just to be able to go there and get my credits. I'm supposed to have 230 credits right now but I'm missing 118, that's about a years worth and a bag of chips.
So today I sat in a room waiting for late counselors stuck next to a white chick that acted black because she had a few fights and a misdemeanor under her name. She asked me my last name and I told her because I'm a bold G like that, she then rambled for an hour about how difficult my last name was but probably easy to spell. A boasting thuggin chick from compton, horse poo.
After the counselors came and we talked I had to go home again and fill out paper work because she didn't want to fax all the registration papers to my dad, so on my way out of school I ran into a person I knew, not a lot though, all the way back to elementary school. He changed from being that stinky fat kid that no one liked into a stinky fat kid that acted like a gangster and didn't care about rules just to have people that like him.
I did the usual head nod and I guess he took that as an offer to clown on me, he asked if I bang and I replied "What? No." then he replied to me "Good, keep it that way." in a very disrespectful manner that left him and his "homie" laughing and walked away. I got pissed, no joke if he pulls that shit tomorrow I'm going to sock him in the fuckin face with nothing to hold back. People like him need to be shown some fuckin respect, already I have beef at this new school.
I don't give a shit if he's bigger and wider than me that doesn't scare me one bit, I'll still knock that faggit down to the floor. I don't care if he whoops my ass either I just got to show him and any other asshole that I don't fuck around, I'm just here to make my credits up and leave as quickly as possible. Sorry for the vulgar language in my writing, it just sounds good to me because I'm angry. Anyways that was my time at RPHS today, already starting school with some beef that I don't want because I came to this school as a veggie eater.
Floppy Disk Crave
The Trend Begins
Once again i am in my 3rd period surrounded in Mac hell. Yup, im blogging this from a Mac. ANYWAYS, today is the official date to kick of the floppy disk trend. People are wearing them and i am no longer the only one. I'll take some pics and upload them in the wild. This thing is starting to kick off. Im going to start to ask people i dont even know to wear them, just to make this an official trend.
Well im signing off for now. Make sure your wearing your floppy all the time. DAMMIT!
Game Night 6 - Madden 09
Watch live video from elephnat. channel on
elephnat with another game night, just Jason and RJ, featuring the highly anticipated and hyped Madden 09. Well my review for this game is IT FEELS AND ALMOST LOOKS LIKE MADDEN 08! Oh well, this video of our live feed will show you teeth grinding and mind breaking footage. I suggest you watch it because it is da bomb. I play my favorite NFL team, da bears, in a new franchise. Well, go ahead and watch it!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
First Blog From School