Just to clear things up, the Wii dominates both the 360 and PS3 as far as hardware sales go, it's been like that since forever (probably because it used to be the cheapest console you could buy before all the price cuts and the ol' bright and shiny wii-mote action), but one of our readers was particularly concerned with some crap he heard about the PS3 topping out the Wii and he wanted to know wtf was up with that? Well Fred, we tell you mang!
As far as hardware sales go, the Wii is still on top with 442,873 approx. consoles sold vs. the PS3's meagre 161,869 consoles sold for the past week (total numbers are much higher). So without numbers it'd go down as something like this:
Wii: That's right, say my name!
PS3: .....wii
Wii: Louda BITCH!
Wii: Wait yo turn 360, geez!
Software sales didn't go over too well for the PS3 this month either even tho Socom 3 and LittleBigPlanet (exclusives) came out this month. Since the Wii is starting to be more available (it has been for the past half year or so) everyone who bought one pretty much gets Wii Sports off the bat, picks up Wii Play for the extra wii-mote, and a big fav for this month (and probably the year) is Mario Kart. Oh yeah, Wii Fit is still selling pretty strong. Not to mention PS3 games are generally fooked up in FPS, hardware issues, gateway to hell stuck on enable mode, etc.
So nope, the PS3 is still a little biznacho and the Wii is still strong, you must have heard some crap unless they were talking about something else.
Sales Figures and Charts:
VG Chartz