
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Battlesh!t: 19fookyou3 times in the Pacific long time

I stumbled on some more info for Battlefield: 1943 over at Kotaku, and I have to say I'm totally bummed with what this next title actually is. It's actually a downloadable game only (being only 350MB) and will only have three classes available to choose from which are Infantry, Rifleman, and the Scout. Where are the Medic and Support classes you ask? Well it turns out that they have been removed completely in exchange for a health-regen feature and unlimited ammo...

Excuse me, but the BF series at least tried to incorporate some level of teamwork based gameplay but the way things are setup now seem to turn the game into another standardized FPS clone. The way BF2 had introduced squads, commanders, and the way that classes had relied on each other are completely gone. Now we have some dumbed down FPS with vehicles on classic BF maps. I am pissed.

I loved my BF2, what the fook did DICE do to BF? I can only hope that they have plans for a traditional Battlefield game in the future.

1 comment:

  1. lets hope modern warfare 2 doesn't get the shaft
